to me, hotmail and yahoo mail provides no match to gmail. what about you?
Gmail, hotmail, yahoo mail which one do you like most?
Reply:I utilize a number of email services and Yahoo was the first and - because of this - receives the bulk of material....professional and personal. But my favorite is an email service through the Athletics Department at the University of Michigan due to the reliability and zero "drama" from software updates (glitches), possible virus attacks, etc.
Reply:Honestly I prefer aol. It's free now and it gets the least spam and junk mail out of all the others. It offers the same features as yahoo, and it also provides you with the choice of using aim. I hope that answeres your question.
P.S. Yahoo gets more junk mail than gmail and hot mail combined.
Reply:i like gmail color schemes and themes but for yahoo i like the news on the home page. so what i do is i have a gmail account that i only use for igoogle and a yahoo account that i use for real.
Reply:Yahoo mail obviously give u more to do.Hotmail is only mail and messenger and i haven't tried Gmail. If i were to choose i would stay with yahoo.
Reply:yahoo - user-friendly interface yahoo email is connecte dwith many yahoo related things(yahoo answers,games..etc)
gmail - i use it th seems just, organized.
hotmail.....meh....its email they all do the same thing!
Reply:I prefer yahoo mail. However, I believe they are all email so it doesnt mattter to me that much.
Why do you think gmail is the best? any specific reasons?
I wish Yahoo would block more spam though.
Although, I can go on Yahoo at school, but not hotmail.
1. Hotmail
2. Yahoo
Reply:none email once popped out of my computer and tried to eat me it was a scary expierience use AIM or Yahoo Messanger instead of email it doesnt try to kill you
Reply:I here yahoo can give you viruses. Hotmail is good and so is gmail. I have all 3.
Reply:None.I use AOL mail and I use Thunderbird.
Reply:I use Gmail but only for their free IMAP service, which I use with Thunderbird and Kontact.
Reply:gail is the bestest! you can cotumize your screen and chat with you friends.
Reply:Gmail is the best. They single handily changed the face of email with there ideas
Reply:yahoo, i tried hotmail so many times but it was not as user friendly. i hate gmail.
Reply:I like Yahoo! and Hotmail a little
Reply:Gmail PWNS... Hotmail and Yahoo are dinosaurs.
Reply:Same. I like gmail. Yahoo's good too, but a lot of the time it won't let me into my mail for some reason.
Reply:I like Gmail, there's really no contest
Reply:I like Gmail because of all the other services Google offers
Reply:Yahoo mail. Because all I need is email.
Reply:Gmail! They have the best themes and great chatting icons
Reply:Yahoo! Why else would I be here?
Reply:I like to Yahoo!!! Don't you?
Reply:Gmail!!!!!! You never have to delete anything
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